Cameron Gharabiklou, a San Diego attorney and genuinely great human, is running for Lieutenant Governor of California. He plans to use the office to engage and unite Californians of all backgrounds, races, religions, and lifestyles.
Task // To create a brand that incites a conversation and inspires a sense of resistance and hope that all voter demographics can access.
Process // Simpatika partnered with Studio Adam Prince to ideate and create a concise visual direction for Cameron. We conducted a series of in-depth client intake sessions in order to fully grasp the campaign objectives and core values. Deep rooted in the heart of the campaign is California, and it's responsibility to lead the way for the rest of the country. Through extensive competitive research we were also able to get a clear layout of the political landscape.
Final Product // The design system we developed pivots primarily on the concept of accessibility, which is key for the brand's consistency, as it launches across multiple outlets. The driving visual component is California's initials CA, which also coincide with the first two letters of Cameron's name. We distinctly highlighted the initials with an animated cursor, suggesting a story yet to be written and the potential for new spaces of collaboration and resistance. We selected Fira Sans for the type system, an Open Source typeface that effectively balances the collaborative nature and digital savviness of the campaign. Lastly, the iconic golden-yellow reflects the energetic spirit of California and promotes campaign recognition.
Scope of work // Brand Strategy | Brand Identity | Photographic Applications